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Sara Prior

My Story

I have been connecting with and communicating with spirit energy (spirit guides, angels, and loved ones who have passed) for over 20 years. My grandmother was a psychic medium and spiritual healer and she was the person who gave me the courage to open my heart to this interesting world. 


I have been very sensitive with a strong sense of intuition since childhood. In my twenties and thirties I pursued a path of spiritual development to try and make sense of and to learn to manage my heightened sensitivity, including training at the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary in Energy Healing and Advanced Spiritual Development and becoming a Spiritual Response Therapy Practitioner (clearing the energy of past lives working with a pendulum). These experiences helped to ground me and taught me to trust the obvious connection I had with spirit. I learned to get myself out of the way in order to be able to tune in to the information I was receiving. 


I have always had an affinity with a pendulum and it has now become the tool which I use to

tune in and focus.   


I describe myself as an intuitive channel. I am simply the conduit through which energy and information passes. I love to communicate with your loving spirit guides who are assigned to you and available at all times to provide reassurance and guidance with every area of your life, some of which is often quite specific. Readings are more of a conversation than a one way flow of information. I encourage you to ask questions of your guides and get to know them. 

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