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Intuitive Reading With Your Guides

Available Online
1 h 15 min
85 British pounds
Liphook|Online Video Call

Service Description

Discover Your Spirit Guides Your spirit guides are a remarkable team of special beings you chose before birth to assist you in this life. They communicate with you constantly through nudges, intuitive feelings, signs, songs, and more. However, the busyness of modern life often prevents us from tuning in to these moments, or we dismiss them as mere coincidences. In this session, it will be my absolute pleasure to introduce you to your guides. You will learn their names, whether they once lived on Earth or are of otherworldly origin, the unique skills and wisdom they offer, and their specific roles in your life. You will also discover how they draw your attention to important matters, enabling you to recognise their guidance in the future. I encourage you to come with questions. Bringing a notepad and pen is highly recommended to jot down these details. As I channel the information, I may not remember much after the reading, so capturing it in an easily digestible format is crucial for future reference. A Note About Health Concerns Please note that I am not a medical professional, and any information relayed should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult a doctor for health concerns. Your guides will never provide diagnoses or treatment suggestions for health issues. Instead, they understand the energetic link between mind and body and can help you uncover emotional triggers for pain or disease, or root causes that may stem from past lives.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. Refunds will only be given if at least 24 hours notice is provided.

Contact Details

  • 14 Meadow Close, Liphook GU30 7BJ, UK


  • Liphook, UK


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