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Past Life Energy Clearing

Available Online
1 h 15 min
85 British pounds
Liphook|Online Video Call

Service Description

Most of us have lived many lives before. Each time we return we experience new things and learn from our experiences. We often choose to return with the same people in different scenarios. Sometimes though, events from our past lives leave an imprint of energy on us which we carry forward into the next life. Perhaps we keep ending up in the same kind of relationship, or always seem to attract the same kind of boss at work, or repeated patterns with money or health. No matter how hard we try to move certain situations from unhealthy to healthy we keep going back to square one. Often this is can be because of the past life imprint that is playing out in our current body. In this session we will explore the details of your past lives with the help of your guides, who will supply me with the information. They will give me places, dates, names and often show me what you looked like. We will together explore the key events and traumas of these lives that have energies that are still playing out and relate them to this current lifetime. Bringing these things into your awareness is the first way to begin to dissipate the energy. Once you become aware on a deep level that these issues are nothing to do with your life right now, they begin to transform and situations suddenly start to resolve. Once the energy has changed, any new decisions and efforts you make to improve situations start gaining traction, because there is no longer any subconscious pull in an opposite direction. These readings can often leave you feeling as though a profound shift has taken place. People often describe that they feel as though something's different or missing, or that a weight has lifted, both physically and mentally. I highly recommend bringing a notepad and pen to take these details down. As I channel the information, I often do not remember much following the reading, so it is very important that you capture it in an easily digestible format that you can quickly refer to. A Note About Health Problems It is important to note that I am not a medical professional and anything I relay should not be taken as medical advice. Please always consult a doctor with health concerns. Your guides will never provide diagnoses or suggestions of treatment for health issues. They understand the energetic the link between mind and body and will be more likely to help you unpick emotional triggers for pain or disease or root causes that may arise from past lives.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. Refunds will only be given if at least 24 hours notice is provided.

Contact Details

  • 14 Meadow Close, Liphook GU30 7BJ, UK


  • Liphook, UK


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