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Relationships Reading & Energy Clearing

1 h 15 min
85 British pounds
Liphook|Online Video Call

Service Description

Relationship Intuitive Pendulum Reading with Energy Clearing Unlock the challenges in your relationships with this comprehensive reading. This unique service combines the wisdom of your guides, the precision of pendulum dowsing, and the transformative power of energy clearing to provide deep insights and healing. What to Expect: Intuitive Pendulum Reading: Using a pendulum to connect with your energy and the guidance of your spiritual team, this process reveals answers to your most pressing relationship questions, offering clarity and direction. Energy Clearing: Together with your guides we identify and clear any energetic blockages that may be affecting your relationships. This includes removing negative influences and restoring balance to your energy field, promoting harmony and well-being. Past Life Influences: Discover how past life experiences may be impacting your current relationships. By understanding these influences, you can release old patterns and heal karmic wounds, paving the way for healthier connections. Benefits: - Gain clarity on relationship dynamics - Heal emotional wounds and release negative patterns - Enhance communication and understanding with loved ones - Foster deeper, more meaningful connections How It Works: 1. Book Your Session: Schedule your reading at a time that suits you. 2. Prepare Your Questions: Think about the relationship issues you want to explore. 3. Bring a notepad/phone to record the reading My approach is to bring compassion, insight, and to deeply transform your relationship challenges. I am committed to helping you achieve greater harmony and fulfilment in your relationships through the power of intuitive guidance and energy healing.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. Refunds will only be given if at least 24 hours notice is provided.

Contact Details

  • 14 Meadow Close, Liphook GU30 7BJ, UK


  • Liphook, UK


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